
satin wedding dresses-Losing My Identity

September 15th has come and gone. Everyone kept asking me during the satin wedding dresses if I was sad or happy that its all over with and at the time I didn’t feel either way. I was happy to be married and what would come in the my future with my husband. I am always meeting new people through MG Bear and I was happy that now he could introduce me as his wife. I definitely wasn’t sad because to be honest a week before the wedding, I was completely over the whole   satin wedding dresses  planning thing. Well, we got back from our mini-honeymoon, and I went bed that night and cried like a baby. MG Bear tried to comfort me and tell me there was so much more to be excited for, which I know, but I tried to describe it all as being similar to post-partum when someone has a baby. All the planning that’s done for a year (or more for some) is all over with and so many brides are left with the, “Now what?” feeling. I went to Social Security to change my name and got emotional all over again. I’ve been known for so long by my maiden name (everyone called me by my last name) that thinking about no longer being Morning Glory Bud and now being Morning Glory Blossom hit me pretty hard. I felt like I was losing my identity, so  satin wedding dresses to speak. After talking to my cousin, she went through the same thing and said it was a completely normal feeling. I ended up comprimising and making my maiden name my middle name, which didn’t make my mom happy. I’m more attached to my maiden name than I was to my middle name, so I did what made my feel comfortable! I am now Morning Glory Bud Blossom, if the reference makes sense to you all! It made me feel like I was able to maintain my identity while still embracing my husband’s last name! What are your plans for changing your name? Have you gotten emotional about it? Tell me I’m not the only one!

